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  • The Art of the Private Yoga Lesson

    by Haruko Smith
    • The Art of The Private Yoga Lesson - 3.25 Hours - $99.00

    This program will help you: Design well-rounded one-on-one lessons Teach private lessons effectively Successfully promote your services Professionally handle the business side of a private practice Why Teaching Private Yoga Lessons Is Invaluable Teaching private yoga lessons taps you into...

  • The History and Importance of the Sanskrit Language

    by amy
    • The History and Importance of the Sanskrit Language - $99.00
    douglas brooks philosophy amy ippoliti teacher training

    As yoga teachers, we use Sanskrit regularly-- to cue asana, to communicate philosophical themes, to study the history and philosophy of yoga, and more. Yet we may not understand just why it's so important as yoga professionals to have a basic knowledge of this sacred language. What are its origins? Why is it considered the language of the gods? What makes it so distinct?

  • The Rasa of Sanskrit: The Essence of Correct Pronunciation

    by amy
    • The Rasa of Sanskrit: The Essence of Correct Pronunciation - $69.00
    douglas brooks philosophy amy ippoliti teacher training

    Do you struggle to pronounce asana names in class? Do you stumble when trying to say words like "prasarita padottanasana", knowing you've probably emphasized the wrong syllable? Dr. Douglas Brooks-- Professor of Religion at the University of Rochester and scholar of Hinduism, south Asian languages, and the comparative study of religions-- systematically presents the correct pronunciation of Sanskrit words that are important for you as a yoga teacher.

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