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How to Get People to Care in Your Yoga Classes

There’s a lot going on in the world right now. 

  • Record-breaking temperature highs can be found across the globe.
  • The Amazon rainforest is being destroyed.
  • Deadly hurricanes are becoming more common and more intense.
  • Our soil is becoming desecrated.
  • Forest fires are decimating Greece, Siberia, Brazil, Algeria, the western United States — really almost everywhere. (The eerie photo above was taken here in Colorado last summer.)

With so many earth woes stacking up in the world around us, it can be easy to want to tune out or go into a state of denial. Even to use your yoga practice as a form of escape. 

If this sounds familiar, it’s likely you avoid “current event” topics when you’re teaching as well. Which begs the question – is it possible to get people to care about current events in the context of yoga? Further, is it appropriate?

At Vesselify we believe that everything is interconnected – our physical bodies, our breath, our yoga practice, our biology, and the world we live in.

As such, not only is it appropriate to bring current events like climate into the classroom, we think it’s imperative.

As yogins who seek the truth and seek connection, it is critical that we participate in civics, address society’s ills, and do our best to help the collective.

Of the infinite number of things we can speak to that we care about, this month, we are focused on the climate crisis. 

Here are some ways you could weave the importance of climate action into your classes:

Theme: Embracing What is, And then Responding vs. Shrinking. 

  • All change starts with awareness first.
  • We can ask students to tune into how they’re feeling or what comes up for them when they think about the consequences of climate change.
  • Rather than shrink from the feelings that might arise (such as grief, fear, guilt, or sorrow), guide them to embrace what is and invite them to think about what brings them hope (such as taking action in creative ways – not only in their individual homes, but asking their representatives to take bold action).

Theme: Interconnectedness. 

  • Our placement in asana impacts everything – the foundation impacts everything above it, a simple pelvic tilt can influence the whole spine. 
  • As a part of the planet we all live on, the choices you make will impact everything around you, just like your placement in a pose.
  • What choices can students make today that will make a difference for the earth?

Theme: Compassion & Integrity. 

  • We learn to be kind to ourselves on the mat.
  • We learn compassion and integrity as our body changes, in order to heal injuries, and come to terms with a body that doesn’t do what we ask it to do.
  • Taking action to care for our planet is an act of kindness and integrity to sentient beings and for the future generations who will outlive us. 
  • What actions might students take right now that would express compassion and care for all of life on earth?

Theme: Challenge and Determination. 

  • Yoga was never meant to be easy.
  • Yoga is like a training camp for the real world. 
  • When the going gets tough, you’ve got this. You can handle it.
  • Through long holds, intense flows, arm balances, timings & repetitions, or strange pretzel-like poses, cultivate stamina, perseverance, and determination to face what’s ahead in this call to action to save our planet.


Let us know – how do you bring causes that are important to you into your teachings?

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